[One Time Password][Square Eni

2009-04-07 11:49 | Nailson


SE Account注冊入口頁面已開,請猛撃這裡插入http://account.square-enix.com/regist/
請注意選擇對應自己POL ID的區域

前情提要:这个怎么办? FFXI sercure token ring + 80空位


在原来POL帐号上多加了一层Squareenix帐号,一个squareenix帐号可以管理多个POL帐号,那个security token直接对应的是squareenix帐号而不是POL帐号
security toke的原理就是OTP,不懂的自行google


Q If I have multiple PlayOnline IDs, will I need a different security token for each of these IDs?
A No, up to 10 PlayOnline IDs can be linked to a single Square Enix account.
If you set up a security token for your Square Enix account, you will be able to use it for all of the PlayOnline IDs linked to that account.
Q 如果我有多个POL帐号,是否需要多个security token与之对应
A 否,一个Squareenix帐号可以绑定最多10个POL帐号,如果你买了一个security token来对应你的SE帐号,你可以将他用于绑定在这个SE帐号上的所有pol帐号

Q Can I stop using my security token if I don't want to use it anymore?
A You can remove your Square Enix security token from your account using the Square Enix Account Management System, but once you have done so, you will never be able to use it again.
Q 如果我不想再用security token,我可以停掉它吗
A 你可以在SE帐号管理系统里删除security token,但是这将是不可逆的(停掉=当前的security token报销,9.9美元再见,不能恢复使用)

Q If I remove my Square Enix security token, will I still be able to obtain a Mog Satchel?
A Characters from PlayOnline IDs that are linked to a Square Enix account will not be able to acquire a Mog Satchel after the security token has been removed. Existing Mog Satchels will not be affected.
Q 如果我删除了security token,我是否还能获得莫古背包
A 如果你删除了security token,那么所有与SE帐号绑定的POL帐号上的游戏人物将无法获得莫古背包,但是已经获得的莫古背包不会受影响(也就是说,你可以拿到莫古背包,然后再删除security token,这是ok的,但是如果先删掉security token,那就无法拿到莫古背包了)

Q What do I have to do to obtain a Mog Satchel?
A Each of your characters can obtain a Mog Satchel by registering a Square Enix security token to the Square Enix account your PlayOnline IDs are linked to.
Q 要怎样才能获得莫古背包
A 注册一个security token给你的SE帐号,这样,所有绑定在这个SE帐号上的所有POL帐号的所有游戏人物都会获得一个莫古背包

Q Can all of my characters obtain a Mog Satchel?
A All characters on a PlayOnline ID using a security token can obtain a Mog Satchel.
。。。(废话一堆)买security token才有莫古背包(继续废话)

Q What do I do if my security token is lost or broken?
A Please contact the Information Center immediately.
As soon as we have confirmed that you are the account holder, we will remove the security token settings from your account.
Q 如果我的security token损坏或者遗失了,我该怎么办
A 凉拌(误),请立即联系Info center,一旦我们确认了你的帐号所有者身份,我们会立刻删除你帐号上的security token(然后自然是怂恿你再买一个)

Q Is security token usage restricted by region?
A No, security token usage is not restricted by region. However, you can only link Square Enix accounts and PlayOnline IDs that are from the same region. If you have a North American PlayOnline ID, please obtain a North American Square Enix account.
Q security token是否有地区限制
A 没有,但是,你的SE帐号的区域必须和POL帐号一致,如果你的POL帐号是北美的,那么你必须申请北美的SE帐号(自然,买security token也得从北美买。。。换言之,一个日本POL帐号和一个美国POL帐号无法绑定在同一个SE帐号上)