Can still see the light?

2002-07-22 07:56 | 绫

Phantasy Star Online 的音乐不知道听过的人有多少呢?


值得推荐的曲目,除了两首主题曲The whole new world和Can still see the light外,还有
No.2的A Song for Eternal Story
No.11的Empty Space Out of Control Part 1
No.16的After the story
No.18的Revolution to the Origin Part 2
No.19的Pray, for "IDOLA" the Distorted
No.20的Cry, for "IDOLA" the Holy

先说The whole new world。作为Opening Theme,是一首非常大气的作品。每次听时都有一种被带入某个世界,展开崭新旅途的感觉,这也是这首曲子的主旨吧。(以下是歌词)
Innumerable stars
Won't tell us where to go
It's a long long run
To the place in the sun
With hopes and dreams
Our ship will cross the sea
To the whole new world
Shining like a pearl
The whole new world

至于No.2的A Song for Eternal Story,有点像是清晨专辑中的音乐。感觉就像是置身于森林中,看着太阳的升起,听这各种鸟的叫声,开始了新的一天。当中用乐器模仿的鸟的声音,真的很特别呢~~

然后是Empty Space Out of Control Part 1,这是一首节奏明快的曲子。用伴奏的乐器营造节奏感,主旋律的乐器表现主题。旋律听起来很爽快,节奏也刚刚好,所以听起来很流畅。

After the story在整张专辑里显得特别。略带哀伤的旋律,和其它曲子的激烈很不同,有点幽幽的感觉,但感觉并不小气。特别是第二次的旋律在现时的那一段,旋律忧伤,但却让我想起为了阵亡的英雄写下纪念篇章的史诗。

No.18 Revolution to the Origin Part 2,有点BT的。也是强烈的节奏感吸引了我。这主要是编曲的功劳。和之前的No.11不同,在几段旋律间,增添了节奏稍微舒缓的间奏,显得曲子有张有弛。更有大战将至的感觉。

喜欢Pray, for "IDOLA" the Distorted主要是因为名字哈:),说笑的。我只是觉得当中有一段用两种乐器互相呼应来表现两种不同势力的互相争斗的感觉很棒罢了。

Cry, for "IDOLA" the Holy,也是因为名字——也是说笑的。虽然和 Pray, for "IDOLA" the Distorted是同一系列的作品,但Cry, for "IDOLA" the Holy是明显优于前者的。曲子中加入了人声,虽然只是“哼哼哈哈”的声音,却是一种咏叹调的感觉。是相当的有气势呢~~

终于到Can still see the light了(也不是很久嘛~~),本专辑中最优秀的乐曲!!!强烈推荐!!!
Wish for peace
Wish for dreams
Wish for love
You are gone
Without saying good bye
Starry sky
I can still see the light
You're saved
And I think of you tonight
Soon the dawn will come again
What have I got?
What has it cost me?

I can feel you are near
Within me, outer space
Here and there
Tell me please
How much we have to bleed
When we'll get the land of dreams
After lonely bitter days

Now I can still see the light
You're saved
And I think of you tonight
Soon the dawn will come again
But what have I got?
What has it cost me?

Why can I still see the light?
You're saved
Though you are now out of sight
Soon the dawn will come again
But what have I got?
What has it cost me?



