2002-09-30 06:05 | 小咸咸
比方说“break damage limit(突破攻击力上限)”这种能力:

如果在auron的刃上,就叫做“Heaven's Cloud(天业云剑)”
如果在lulu的玩具公仔上就叫做“Soul of Mog(莫古之魂)”
很简单,试想一下,如果你有一把剑,同时拥有“Break damage limit”能力和“Piercing(刺透)”能力,你会叫这把
Break damage limit对应名字为Excalibur
这三中能力,一眼就能看出Break damage limit>OD*2>Firestrike,所以当三种能力在同一武器上,是以Break damage limit来命名
1. Caladbolg; 7耀武器
2. Brotherhood(兄弟之情); [Str +5%] + [Str +10%] + [Sensor] + [Waterstrike]
3. Taming Sword(驯服之剑); [Capture] 抓怪物武器
4. Crystal Sword(水晶剑); [Firestrike] + [Thunderstrike] + [Waterstrike] + [Icestrike] 四属性和一
5. Excalibur(石中剑); [Break Damage Limit]
6. Ragnarok(诸神黄昏); [Triple AP] + [Overdrive -> AP] + [Triple Overdrive] 练级武器
7. Balmung; [Overdrive -> AP] + [Triple Overdrive] 北欧神话中的名剑,奥丁将它刺向树中,能拔出此剑象征着战斗胜利
8. Save the Queen; [Double AP] + [Double Overdrive]
9. Heartbreaker(心碎); [Triple Overdrive]
10. Lionheart(狮心); [Double Overdrive]
11. Durandal; [Triple AP]
12. Ascalon; [Double AP]
13. Ambitious(野心); [Overdrive -> AP]
14. Hrunting; [SOS Overdrive]
15. Astral Sword(星); [One MP Cost]
16. Apocalypse(启示); 任意以下4种能力: [Darkstrike], [Silencestrike], [Sleepstrike],
[Poisonstrike], [Stonestrike], [Deathstrike], [Slowstrike], [Zombiestrike]
17. Master Sword; 4格武器中有[Str +x%]
18. Runemaster; 4格武器中有[Magic +x%]
19. Warlock; [Magic Booster] + 另外3格中有[Magic +x%]
20. Arc Sword; [Half MP Cost]
21. Gilventure; [Gillionaire]
22. Tri-Steel; 以下任意3种:[Firestrike], [Thunderstrike], [Waterstrike],[Icestrike]
23. Helter-Skelter; 以下任意3种: [Darkstrike], [Silencestrike], [Sleepstrike],
[Poisonstrike], [Stonestrike], [Deathstrike], [Slowstrike], [Zombiestrike]
24. Vendetta; [Magic Counter] + [Counter]或者[Evade & Counter]
25. Avenger; [Counter]或者[Evade & Counter]
26. Prism Steel; [Magic Counter]
27. Mirage Sword; [Magic Booster]
28. Lifesaver; [Alchemy]
29. Sonic Steel; [First Strike]
30. Vigilante; [Initiative]
31. Danse Macabre; [Deathstrike]
32. Largamente; [Slowstrike]
33. Gravestone; [Stonestrike]
34. Sidewinder; [Poisonstrike]
35. Nightmare; [Sleepstrike]
36. Mage Masher; [Silencestrike]
37. Nightbringer; [Darkstrike]
38. Knight Sword; [str +x%]
39. Wizard Sword; 3格武器中有[Magic +x%]
40. Double-Edge; 以下任意2种:[Firestrike], [Thunderstrike], [Waterstrike],[Icestrike]
41. Razmatazz; 以下任意2种: [Darktouch], [Silencetouch], [Sleeptouch], [Poisontouch], [Stonetouch], [Deathtouch], [Zombietouch],[Slowtouch]
42. Deathbringer; [Deathtouch]
43. Stunning Steel; [Slowtouch]
44. Basilisk Steel; [Stonetouch]
45. Poison Steel; [Poisontouch]
46. Lullaby Steel; [Sleeptouch]
47. Muted Steel; [Silencetouch]
48. Twilight Steel; [Darktouch]
49. Hunter's Sword; [Sensor]
50. Flametongue; [Firestrike]
51. Ice Brand; [Icestrike]
52. Lightning Steel; [Thunderstrike]
53. Liquid Steel; [Waterstrike]
54. Variable Steel; All empty slots on a 4-slotted weapon
55. Force Saber; [str +x%] + [Magic +x%]
56. Baroque Sword; 2格或3格空剑
57. Sorcery Sword; [Magic +10%] or [Magic +20%]
58. Soldier's Saber; [Str +10%] or [Str +20%]
59. Rune Steel; [Magic +5%]
60. Enchanted Sword; [Magic +3%]
61. Fencing Saber; [Str +5%]
62. Warrior's Sword; [Str +3%]
63. Slasher; [Piercing]
64. Longsword; tidus的最初武器
2, 5, 51, 53:
3, 38, 39, 49, 56, 60, 62, 64:
4, 22, 40, 50, 52:
6-15, 21, 24-27, 54:
16, 20, 23, 31-37, 41-48:
17-19, 28-30, 55, 57-59, 61-63:
1. Nirvana;
3. Herding Staff; [Capture]
4. Arc Arcana; [Firestrike] + [Thunderstrike] + [Waterstrike] + [Icestrike]
5. Abraxas; [Break Damage Limit]
6. Heavenly Axis; [Triple AP] + [Overdrive -> AP] + [Triple Overdrive]
7. Judgement; [Overdrive -> AP] + [Triple Overdrive]
8. Seraphim Rod; [Double AP] + [Double Overdrive]
9. Rod of Roses; [Triple Overdrive]
10. Nimbus Rod; [Double Overdrive]
11. Wonder Wing; [Triple AP]
12. Wing Wand; [Double AP]
13. Wonder Wand; [Overdrive -> AP]
14. Laevatein; [SOS Overdrive]
15. Astral Rod; [One MP Cost]
16. Chaos Rod; Any 4 of: [Darkstrike], [Silencestrike], [Sleepstrike],
[Poisonstrike], [Stonestrike], [Deathstrike], [Slowstrike], or
17. Power Staff; 4格武器中有:[str +x%]
18. Shining Staff; 4格武器中有:[Magic +x%]
19. Faerie Staff; [Magic Booster] + 另外3格中有[Magic +x%]
20. Magistral Rod; [Half MP Cost]
21. El Dorado; [Gillionaire]
22. Tri-Rod; 以下任意3种:[Firestrike], [Thunderstrike], [Waterstrike], [Icestrike]
23. Wicked Hand; 以下任意3种: [Darkstrike], [Silencestrike], [Zombiestrike], [Sleepstrike], [Poisonstrike], [Stonestrike], [Deathstrike], [Slowstrike]
24. Nemesis Rod; [Magic Counter] + [Counter]或者[Evade & Counter]
25. Defender; [Counter],[Evade & Counter]
26. Prism Rod; [Magic Counter]
27. Mirage Rod; [Magic Booster]
28. Healing Rod; [Alchemy]
29. Wind Rod; [First Strike]
30. Conductor; [Initiative]
31. Punisher; [Deathstrike]
32. Impasse; [Slowstrike]
33. Calcite Staff; [Stonestrike]
34. Bizarre Staff; [Poisonstrike]
35. Staff of Thorns; [Sleepstrike]
36. Reticent Staff; [Silencestrike]
37. Darkness Staff; [Darkstrike]
38. Monk Staff; [str +x%]
39. Mage's Staff; 3格武器中有:[Magic +x%]
40. Dual Rod; 以下任意2种: [Firestrike], [Thunderstrike], [Waterstrike], [Icestrike]
41. Ominous Rod; 以下任意2种: [Darktouch], [Silencetouch], [Sleeptouch], [Poisontouch], [Stonetouch], [Deathtouch], [Zombietouch] or [Slowtouch]
42. Death Wand; [Deathtouch]
43. Entangling Rod; [Slowtouch]
44. Break Rod; [Stonetouch]
45. Belladona Wand; [Poisontouch]
46. Lullaby Rod; [Sleeptouch]
47. Rod of Silence; [Silencetouch]
48. Rod of Darkness; [Darktouch]
49. Rod of Wisdom; [Sensor]
50. Rod of Flame; [Firestrike]
51. Rod of Ice; [Icestrike]
52. Rod of Thunder; [Thunderstrike]
53. Rod of Water; [Waterstrike]
54. Malleable Staff; 4空格武器
55. Force Rod; [str +x%] + [Magic +x%]
56. Ductile Rod; 2,3空格武器
57. Sorcery Rod; [Magic +10%] or [Magic +20%]
58. Full Metal Rod; [Str +10%] or [Str +20%]
59. Rune Rod; [Magic +5%]
60. Enchanted Rod; [Magic +3%]
61. Rod of Striking; [Str +5%]
62. Rod of Beating; [Str +3%]
63. Spiked Rod; [Piercing]
64. Staff; yuna初期武器
3, 20, 64:
4, 22, 23, 31-37, 40-48, 50-54:
5-16, 21:
17, 24-26, 29, 30, 38, 58, 61-63:
18, 19, 27, 28, 39, 49, 55-57, 59, 60:
1. World Champion; 七耀
3. Catcher; [Capture]
4. Four-on-One; [Firestrike] + [Thunderstrike] + [Waterstrike] + [Icestrike]
5. Grand Slam; [Break Damage Limit]
6. Blowout; [Triple AP] + [Overdrive -> AP] + [Triple Overdrive]
7. Rout; [Overdrive -> AP] + [Triple Overdrive]
8. Tie Breaker; [Double AP] + [Double Overdrive]
9. Winning Streak; [Triple Overdrive]
10. Scoring Spree; [Double Overdrive]
11. Triple Score; [Triple AP]
12. Double Score; [Double AP]
13. Rookie Star; [Overdrive -> AP]
14. Buzzerbeater; [SOS Overdrive]
15. Overtime; [One MP Cost]
16. Penalty Master; 任意一下一项: [Darkstrike], [Silencestrike],[Sleepstrike], [Poisonstrike], [Stonestrike], [Deathstrike],[Slowstrike],[Zombiestrike]
17. Ace Striker; 4格武器中有:[str +x%]
18. Ace Wizard; 4格武器中有:[Magic +x%]
19. Over the Top; 3格武器中有[Magic Booster] + [Magic +x%]
20. Halftime; [Half MP Cost]
21. Free Agent; [Gillionaire]
22. Tricolor; 任意其3: [Firestrike], [Thunderstrike], [Waterstrike], [Icestrike]
23. Triple Penalty; 任意其3: [Darkstrike], [Silencestrike], [Zombiestrike],[Sleepstrike], [Poisonstrike], [Stonestrike], [Deathstrike], [Slowstrike]
24. Turnover; [Magic Counter] + [Counter] or [Evade & Counter]
25. Rematch; [Counter] or [Evade & Counter]
26. Prism Ball; [Magic Counter]
27. Mirage Ball; [Magic Booster]
28. Comeback; [Alchemy]
29. Breakaway; [First Strike]
30. First Goal; [Initiative]
31. Sudden Death; [Deathstrike]
32. Timeout; [Slowstrike]
33. Stone Cold; [Stonestrike]
34. Violation; [Poisonstrike]
35. Sleeper; [Sleepstrike]
36. Muffler; [Silencestrike]
37. Blackout; [Darkstrike]
38. Power Play; [Attack +x%] in 3 slots
39. Virtuoso; [Magic Attack +x%] in 3 slots
40. Double Header; 任意其2: [Firestrike], [Thunderstrike], [Waterstrike], or
41. Double Penalty; 任意其2: [Darktouch], [Silencetouch], [Sleeptouch], [Poisontouch], [Stonetouch], [Deathtouch], [Zombietouch],[Slowtouch]
42. Rough Play; [Deathtouch]
43. Delay of Game; [Slowtouch]
44. TKO; [Stonetouch]
45. Rulebreaker; [Poisontouch]
46. Dream Team; [Sleeptouch]
47. Noisebreaker; [Silencetouch]
48. Blind Pass; [Darktouch]
49. Scout; [Sensor]
50. Fire Ball; [Firestrike]
51. Ice Ball; [Icestrike]
52. Thunder Ball; [Thunderstrike]
53. Water Ball; [Waterstrike]
54. All-Rounder; 4格空武器
55. Ovation; [str +x%] + [Magic +x%]
56. Switch Hitter; 2格或3格空武器
57. Trickster; [Magic +10%] or [Magic +20%]
58. Striker; [Str +10%] or [Str +20%]
59. Rune Ball; [Magic +5%]
60. Magic Ball; [Magic +3%]
61. Hyper Ball; [Str +5%]
62. Power Ball; [Str +3%]
63. Center Forward; [Piercing]
64. Official Ball; 最初WAKKA的武器
3-16, 20, 21, 24-27:
17-19, 38, 39, 55-64:
22, 40, 50-53:
23, 31-37, 41-48:
28-30, 49, 54:
1. Onion Knight; 七耀
3. Trapper Mog; [Capture]
4. Moomba Quartet; [Firestrike] + [Thunderstrike] + [Waterstrike] +
5. Soul of Mog; [Break Damage Limit]
6. Space Soul; [Triple AP] + [Overdrive -> AP] + [Triple Overdrive]
7. Space Master; [Overdrive -> AP] + [Triple Overdrive]
8. Space King; [Double AP] + [Double Overdrive]
9. Space Force; [Triple Overdrive]
10. Space Energy; [Double Overdrive]
11. Comet Cactuar; [Triple AP]
12. Star Cactuar; [Double AP]
13. Lord Cactuar; [Overdrive -> AP]
14. Space Power; [SOS Overdrive]
15. Magical Cactuar; [One MP Cost]
16. Chaotic Cait Sith; Any 4 of: [Darkstrike], [Silencestrike], [Sleepstrike],
[Poisonstrike], [Stonestrike], [Deathstrike], [Slowstrike], or [Zombiestrike]
17. Space Warrior; [str +x%] in 4 slots
18. Space Mage; [Magic +x%] in 4 slots
19. Mana Mog; [Magic Booster] + [Magic +x%] in the other 3 slots
20. Cactuar Wizard; [Half MP Cost]
21. Space Bandit; [Gillionaire]
22. Moomba Trio; Any 3 of: [Firestrike], [Thunderstrike], [Waterstrike], or
23. Abaddon Cait Sith; Any 3 of: [Darkstrike], [Silencestrike], [Zombiestrike],
[Sleepstrike], [Poisonstrike], [Stonestrike], [Deathstrike], [Slowstrike]
24. Vengeful Cactuar; [Magic Counter] + [Counter] or [Evade & Counter]
25. Raging Cactuar; [Counter] or [Evade & Counter]
26. Prism Cactuar; [Magic Counter]
27. Booster Cactuar; [Magic Booster]
28. Medical Mog; [Alchemy]
29. Swift Cactuar; [First Strike]
30. Cactuar Spy; [Initiative]
31. Wicked Cait Sith; [Deathstrike]
32. Chronos Cait Sith; [Slowstrike]
33. Stone Cait Sith; [Stonestrike]
34. Toxic Cait Sith; [Poisonstrike]
35. Dreamy Cait Sith; [Sleepstrike]
36. Mute Cait Sith; [Silencestrike]
37. Dark Cait Sith; [Darkstrike]
38. Power Mog; [str +x%] in 3 slots
39. Magician Mog; [Magic +x%] in 3 slots
40. Moomba Duo; Any 2 of: [Firestrike], [Thunderstrike], [Waterstrike], or
41. Ominous Cait Sith; Any 2 of: [Darktouch], [Silencetouch], [Sleeptouch],
[Poisontouch], [Stonetouch], [Deathtouch], [Zombietouch] or [Slowtouch]
42. Fatal Cait Sith; [Deathtouch]
43. Late Cait Sith; [Slowtouch]
44. Fossil Cait Sith; [Stonetouch]
45. Noxious Cait Sith; [Poisontouch]
46. Sleepy Cait Sith; [Sleeptouch]
47. Quiet Cait Sith; [Silencetouch]
48. Blinding Cait Sith; [Darktouch]
49. Cactuar Scope; [Sensor]
50. Fire Moomba; [Firestrike]
51. Ice Moomba; [Icestrike]
52. Thunder Moomba; [Thunderstrike]
53. Water Moomba; [Waterstrike]
54. Morphing Mog; All empty slots on a 4-slotted weapon
55. Moomba Force; [str +x%] + [Magic +x%]
56. Variable Mog; 2 or 3 empty slots on a 2 or 3-slotted weapon
57. Moomba Mage; [Magic +10%] or [Magic +20%]
58. Moomba Warrior; [Str +10%] or [Str +20%]
59. Rune Mog; [Magic +5%]
60. Magical Mog; [Magic +3%]
61. Buster Mog; [Str +5%]
62. Attack Mog; [Str +3%]
63. Stinger Mog; [Piercing]
64. Moogle; 初始武器
3, 5, 19, 28, 38, 39, 54, 56, 59-64:
4, 22, 40, 50-53, 55, 57, 58:
6-10, 14, 17, 18, 21:
11-13, 15, 20, 24-27, 29, 30, 49:
16, 23, 31-37, 41-48:
1. Spirit Lance; 七耀
3. Taming Spear; [Capture]
4. Quadforce; [Firestrike] + [Thunderstrike] + [Waterstrike] + [Icestrike]
5. Gungnir; [Break Damage Limit]
6. Luin; [Triple AP] + [Overdrive -> AP] + [Triple Overdrive]
7. Gae Bolg; [Overdrive -> AP] + [Triple Overdrive]
8. Venus Gospel; [Double AP] + [Double Overdrive]
9. Highwind; [Triple Overdrive]
10. Berserker; [Double Overdrive]
11. Horn of the Ronso; [Triple AP]
12. Chariot; [Double AP]
13. Transmuter; [Overdrive -> AP]
14. Kain's Lance; [SOS Overdrive]
15. Astral Spear; [One MP Cost]
16. Chaos Lance; Any 4 of: [Darkstrike], [Silencestrike], [Always
Sleeptouch], [Poisonstrike], [Stonestrike], [Deathstrike],
[Slowstrike], or [Zombiestrike]
17. Giant Spear; [str +x%] in 4 slots
18. Titan Lance; [Magic +x%] in 4 slots
19. Eldritch Lance; [Magic Booster] + [Magic +x%] in the other 3 slots
20. Shamanic Spear; [Half MP Cost]
21. Prospector; [Gillionaire]
22. Trident; Any 3 of: [Firestrike], [Thunderstrike], [Waterstrike], or
23. Vicious Lance; Any 3 of: [Darkstrike], [Silencestrike], [Zombiestrike],
[Sleepstrike], [Poisonstrike], [Stonestrike], [Deathstrike], [Slowstrike]
24. Dragoon Lance; [Magic Counter] + [Counter] or [Evade & Counter]
25. Rebel Lance; [Counter] or [Evade & Counter]
26. Prism Spear; [Magic Counter]
27. Mirage Lance; [Magic Booster]
28. Healer Spear; [Alchemy]
29. Sonic Lance; [First Strike]
30. Detector; [Initiative]
31. Thanatos Lance; [Deathstrike]
32. Net Spear; [Slowstrike]
33. Rock Buster; [Stonestrike]
34. Venom Spike; [Poisonstrike]
35. Hypno Spear; [Sleepstrike]
36. Mage Hunter; [Silencestrike]
37. Darkbringer; [Darkstrike]
38. Knight Lancer; [str +x%] in 3 slots
39. Wizard Lance; [Magic +x%] in 3 slots
40. Twin Lance; Any 2 of: [Firestrike], [Thunderstrike], [Waterstrike], or
41. Calamity Spear; Any 2 of: [Darktouch], [Silencetouch], [Sleeptouch],
[Poisontouch], [Stonetouch], [Deathtouch], [Zombietouch] or [Slowtouch]
42. Matador Spear; [Deathtouch]
43. Web Lance; [Slowtouch]
44. Break Lance; [Stonetouch]
45. Snakehead; [Poisontouch]
46. Dream Lance; [Sleeptouch]
47. Silent Spear; [Silencetouch]
48. Dusk Lance; [Darktouch]
49. Hunter's Spear; [Sensor]
50. Heat Lance; [Firestrike]
51. Ice Lance; [Icestrike]
52. Thunder Spear; [Thunderstrike]
53. Tidal Spear; [Waterstrike]
54. Shapeshifter; All empty slots on a 4-slotted weapon
55. Force Lance; [str +x%] + [Magic +x%]
56. Halberd; 2 or 3 empty slots on a 2 or 3-slotted weapon
57. Magic Lance; [Magic +10%] or [Magic +20%]
58. Full Metal Spear; [Str +10%] or [Str +20%]
59. Rune Lance; [Magic +5%]
60. Enchanted Lance; [Magic +3%]
61. Striking Spear; [Str +5%]
62. Heavy Spear; [Str +3%]
63. Harpoon; [Piercing]
64. Spear; 初始武器
3-16, 20, 21, 24-27:
17-19, 38, 39, 55, 57-59, 61:
22, 28-30, 40, 50-54:
23, 31-37, 41-48:
49, 56, 60, 62-64:
1. Godhand; 七耀
3. Iron Grip; [Capture]
4. Deus Ex Machina; [Firestrike] + [Thunderstrike] + [Waterstrike] +
5. Kaiser Knuckles; [Break Damage Limit]
6. Victorix; [Triple AP] + [Overdrive -> AP] + [Triple Overdrive]
7. Unlimited; [Overdrive -> AP] + [Triple Overdrive]
8. Warmonger; [Double AP] + [Double Overdrive]
9. Overload; [Triple Overdrive]
10. Override; [Double Overdrive]
11. Golden Arm; [Triple AP]
12. Golden Hand; [Double AP]
13. Ironside; [Overdrive -> AP]
14. Battle Freak; [SOS Overdrive]
15. Infinity; [One MP Cost]
16. Tempest Claw; Any 4 of: [Darkstrike], [Silencestrike], [Always
Sleeptouch], [Poisonstrike], [Stonestrike], [Deathstrike],
[Slowstrike], or [Zombiestrike]
17. Spartan; [str +x%] in 4 slots
18. Brunhilde; [Magic +x%] in 4 slots
19. Valkyrie; [Magic Booster] + [Magic Attack +x%] in the other 3 slots
20. Magical Rave; [Half MP Cost]
21. Stickyfingers; [Gillionaire]
22. Rising Sun; Any 3 of: [Firestrike], [Thunderstrike], [Waterstrike], or
23. Typhoon Claw; Any 3 of: [Darkstrike], [Silencestrike], [Zombiestrike],
[Sleepstrike], [Poisonstrike], [Stonestrike], [Deathstrike], [Slowstrike]
24. Untouchable; [Magic Counter] + [Counter] or [Evade & Counter]
25. Tit-for-Tat; [Counter] or [Evade & Counter]
26. Prism Claw; [Magic Counter]
27. Mirage Claw; [Magic Booster]
28. Survivor; [Alchemy]
29. Vanguard; [First Strike]
30. Sonar; [Initiative]
31. Executioner; [Deathstrike]
32. Clockwork; [Slowstrike]
33. Colossus; [Stonestrike]
34. Manticore Claw; [Poisonstrike]
35. Lights Out; [Sleepstrike]
36. Mage Husher; [Silencestrike]
37. Jammer; [Darkstrike]
38. Iron Claw; [str +x%] in 3 slots
39. The Ogre; [Magic +x%] in 3 slots
40. Dual Claw; Any 2 of: [Firestrike], [Thunderstrike], [Waterstrike], or
41. Hurricane Claw; Any 2 of: [Darktouch], [Silencetouch], [Sleeptouch],
[Poisontouch], [Stonetouch], [Deathtouch], [Zombietouch] or [Slowtouch]
42. Ninja Claw; [Deathtouch]
43. Clock Hand; [Slowtouch]
44. Break Knuckles; [Stonetouch]
45. Poison Claw; [Poisontouch]
46. Daydreamer; [Sleeptouch]
47. Tongue Holder; [Silencetouch]
48. Eye Poker; [Darktouch]
49. Hawkeye; [Sensor]
50. Hot Knuckles; [Firestrike]
51. Ice Claw; [Icestrike]
52. Shocking Fist; [Thunderstrike]
53. Tidal Knuckles; [Waterstrike]
54. Flexible Arm; All empty slots on a 4-slotted weapon
55. Force Knuckles; [str +x%] + [Magic +x%]
56. Devastator; 2 or 3 empty slots on a 2 or 3-slotted weapon
57. Magic Knuckles; [Magic +10%] or [Magic +20%]
58. Buster Knuckles; [Str +10%] or [Str +20%]
59. Magic Claw; [Magic +5%]
60. Magic Glove; [Magic +3%]
61. Buster Claw; [Str +5%]
62. Buster Glove; [Str +3%]
63. Barbed Knuckles; [Piercing]
64. Claw; 初始武器
3-16, 20, 21, 24-27: :
17-19, 38, 39, 55-64: :
22, 28-30, 40, 49-54: :
23, 31-37, 41-48: :
1. Masamune; 七耀
3. Beastmaster; [Capture]
4. Conquerer; [Firestrike] + [Thunderstrike] + [Waterstrike] + [Icestrike]
5. Heaven's Cloud; [Break Damage Limit]
6. Muramasa; [Triple AP] + [Overdrive -> AP] + [Triple Overdrive]
7. Alkaid; [Overdrive -> AP] + [Triple Overdrive]
8. Peacemaker; [Double AP] + [Double Overdrive]
9. Genji Blade; [Triple Overdrive]
10. Dragon Killer; [Double Overdrive]
11. Painkiller; [Triple AP]
12. Divider; [Double AP]
13. The Nameless; [Overdrive -> AP]
14. Ogrekiller; [SOS Overdrive]
15. Murasame; [One MP Cost]
16. Riot Blade; Any 4 of: [Darkstrike], [Silencestrike], [Sleepstrike],
[Poisonstrike], [Stonestrike], [Deathstrike], [Slowstrike], or [Zombiestrike]
17. Master Ogre; [str +x%] in 4 slots
18. Master Djinn; [Magic +x%] in 4 slots
19. Matoya's Blade; [Magic Booster] + [Magic Attack +x%] in the other 3 slots
20. Inducer; [Half MP Cost]
21. Gilmonger; [Gillionaire]
22. Ichimonji; Any 3 of: [Firestrike], [Thunderstrike], [Waterstrike], or
23. Corruptor; Any 3 of: [Darkstrike], [Silencestrike], [Zombiestrike],
[Sleepstrike], [Poisonstrike], [Stonestrike], [Deathstrike], [Slowstrike]
24. Ashura; [Magic Counter] + [Counter] or [Evade & Counter]
25. Kotetsu; [Counter] or [Evade & Counter]
26. Prism Blade; [Magic Counter]
27. Mirage Blade; [Magic Booster]
28. Lifegiver; [Alchemy]
29. Sonic Blade; [First Strike]
30. Sentry; [Initiative]
31. Assassin Blade; [Deathstrike]
32. Blockade; [Slowstrike]
33. Still Blade; [Stonestrike]
34. Venomous Blade; [Poisonstrike]
35. Dozing Blade; [Sleepstrike]
36. Tacit Blade; [Silencestrike]
37. Dark Blade; [Darkstrike]
38. Ogre Blade; [str +x%] in 3 slots
39. Djinn Blade; [Magic +x%] in 3 slots
40. Dual Blade; Any 2 of: [Firestrike], [Thunderstrike], [Waterstrike], or
41. Chaos Blade; Any 2 of: [Darktouch], [Silencetouch], [Sleeptouch],
[Poisontouch], [Stonetouch], [Deathtouch], [Zombietouch] or [Slowtouch]
42. Critical Blade; [Deathtouch]
43. Stunner; [Slowtouch]
44. Gorgon Gaze; [Stonetouch]
45. Spider's Kiss; [Poisontouch]
46. Peaceful Slumber; [Sleeptouch]
47. Soundless Scream; [Silencetouch]
48. Blurry Moon; [Darktouch]
49. Hunter's Blade; [Sensor]
50. Fire Blade; [Firestrike]
51. Frost Blade; [Icestrike]
52. Thunder Blade; [Thunderstrike]
53. Water Blade; [Waterstrike]
54. Shiranui; All empty slots on a 4-slotted weapon
55. Basara Blade; [str +x%] + [Magic +x%]
56. Shimmering Blade; 2 or 3 empty slots on a 2 or 3-slotted weapon
57. Spiritual Blade; [Magic +10%] or [Magic +20%]
58. Nodachi; [Str +10%] or [Str +20%]
59. Rune Blade; [Magic +5%]
60. Magic Blade; [Magic +3%]
61. War Blade; [Str +5%]
62. Knight Blade; [Str +3%]
63. Katana; [Piercing]
64. Blade; 初始武器
3, 5-14, 17, 21:
4, 15, 18-20, 22, 39, 40, 50-55, 57-60:
16, 23, 31-37, 41-48:
24-30, 38, 49, 56, 61-64:
1.パワーチェンジ (Power Change)
ティーダ Pオーダー (P order)
ユウナ パワーロッド (Power Rod)
アーロン 修力剣
2.マジックチェンジ (Magic Change)
ティーダ Mオーダー (M order)
ユウナ マジックロッド (Magic Rod)
アーロン 修魔剣
3.スピードチェンジ (Speed Change)
ティーダ Sオーダー (S order)
ユウナ スピードロッド (Speed Rod)
アーロン 修速剣
4.アビリティチェンジ (Ability Change)
ティーダ Aオーダー (A order)
ユウナ アビリティロッ (Ability Rod)
アーロン 修能剣